Sunday, May 31, 2015

I'm working on learning the Thai alphabet! With seventy seven characters in all vs. our twenty six, this is pretty difficult.... Not quite as hard as I thought it would be, though!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

I realized that I am currently living in the state that has the longest name in the United States, and I will be living in the place with the longest country name in the world.

Monday, May 25, 2015

 In Newport, Rhode Island, with some interesting tunnels based off of Asian designs.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

My friend Nathaniel (Man Ock) has some pretty cool pictures of me that were taken in Newport, Rhode Island today, which will hopefully be up here pretty soon.
I can't wait to get some fruit in Thailand! 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Two weeks left of school, two weeks of summer after that. This is so weird.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Going from 51°F with 69% humidity to 92°F with 70% humidity is going to be interesting. Also, switching to the metric system, using a four blocks of six hours time schedule, and speaking in Thai is going to be interesting.
Being the only Rhode Island-er in the YES Abroad 2015-2016 school year, and going to Thailand in the upcoming school year, I found "Rhode Thailand" (name credits to one of my best friends in the world and girlfriend, Alex Brown) to be quite a great, fitting name. 

Just in case you were wondering, Jäsper
Testing out my new blog.... Quite interesting. As you may know, I will be studying abroad in Thailand for the next ten months staring June 24th. I will be, if all goes well, keeping this blog updated throughout my journey and sharing my experience with all who care to see.
I'll keep you updated along the way, and hope to post again soon.